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DRAMA Love Is Blind

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Pas Alvin bilang telpon bukan dari siapa2 ke ocha jd keinget kalo ditanya bini apa dana sudah cair terus bilang sudah, pdhl kasbon karena pencairan rumit dan sulit. Tp g mau bini stres dan kepikiran...
Hmm nampaknya Alvin tipe2 yg simpam sendiri dan kerap lambat bereaksi. Sedikit lebih lambat dari senja. Karena senja ada sawaka... Eh kok malah bandingin.
Kirain jumat dinihari update... Hanjakal buru2 ibak ieu...
Neng @merah_delima jd sering pakai kata atuh ya... Dampak mamang rsp27 hehehe

Salah lg, males edir ah. Punten ya om black
Karena lelaki selalu ingin yang terbaik untuk wanitanya...
Entar malem update Om :beer:
Numpang ngebul mang :ngeteh::ngeteh:
Monggo Om...
Wah ini cari perkara sama ratu bata merah :dance:
Ceritanya betul betul lembut baru dua bab aja sudah gak karuan
ke bawa suasana ni :tegang:
Makasih banyak Om sudah baca...
Semoga terhibur ya Om..
Jangan sungkan kalau ada saran dan kritik..
Hahahaa... bener oom BD salah ngecak kayae...
Hahahaha :ngakak:ngakak
Chap XV episode paling baper neehhh :galau:
Terima kasih banyak Om sudah baca :)
Entar malem update Om..
Suhu blackdevil fans nya DEP ya hu? Mulustrasinya pke fotonya dep wkwkwk:panlok2::pandapeace::panlok3:
Ssstttttt... hihihihi...
Ojok rame-rame om :D
Pesen tiket 1 ya beee... kursi tengah paling blakang ... xixixixixxixixii...
Huum dilarang membawa sajam dan batu bata loh kalau masuk bioskop :ngakak
ditunggu mas e ;)
Siap Om...
On my back, breathing heavy staring at the light
Praying this isn't the end, but pretty sure it might be
On my back, got my heart beating out of my chest
I never thought, I can’t believe that I'd go out like this
So these are the walls that have to hold this moment I never expected to be here again
My vision is blurring as the light starts fade
Please pull me out of this
My ribs are breaking I swear, I'm only twenty three
Crawling, searching for a lifeline I just can't reach
Somebody hear me, someone open up the door
Get me up off of this floor and stop the shaking
The blood is boiling in my veins
Oh god the pain, it's unrelenting I'm ready for the end if it means that all of this will end
So these are the walls that have to hold this moment
I never expected to be here again
My vision is blurring as the light starts fade
Please pull me out of this Through the haze I saw a face
A second chance, another life to live, how did you forgive me
Held my head against your chest, told me everything's alright, don't be afraid
Close your eyes and rest
So these are the walls that have to hold this moment
I never expected to be here again
My vision is blurring as the light starts fade
Please pull me out of this

Curahan hati cintia

Beee kamu jahaaaaaat!!!!

Colek @merah_delima
Enggak aku loh baik :kk:
Maaf beeee.... batu bata itu apa ya?:bingung:

Kalo sajam pan biasanya abis tu duajam tigajam empatjam iya kan?:angel:

Era masih polos sih.. g paham sama bata bata gitu:capek:
Huum dua jam, tiga jam, empat jam di opname karena benjol kenak bata :nohope:
Cuman bisa mendoaakan yang terbaik aja buat nasibmu sam Bee

Salam icikiwir aja
Hahahahaha :ngakak:ngakak:ngakak

Tenang Om ane udah latihan lari :ngacir::ngacir:
On my back, breathing heavy staring at the light
Praying this isn't the end, but pretty sure it might be
On my back, got my heart beating out of my chest
I never thought, I can’t believe that I'd go out like this
So these are the walls that have to hold this moment I never expected to be here again
My vision is blurring as the light starts fade
Please pull me out of this
My ribs are breaking I swear, I'm only twenty three
Crawling, searching for a lifeline I just can't reach
Somebody hear me, someone open up the door
Get me up off of this floor and stop the shaking
The blood is boiling in my veins
Oh god the pain, it's unrelenting I'm ready for the end if it means that all of this will end
So these are the walls that have to hold this moment
I never expected to be here again
My vision is blurring as the light starts fade
Please pull me out of this Through the haze I saw a face
A second chance, another life to live, how did you forgive me
Held my head against your chest, told me everything's alright, don't be afraid
Close your eyes and rest
So these are the walls that have to hold this moment
I never expected to be here again
My vision is blurring as the light starts fade
Please pull me out of this

Curahan hati cintia

Beee kamu jahaaaaaat!!!!

Colek @merah_delima
Keren lho om cint...itu lirik lagu paan ya?
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