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Fiesta online

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Semprot Baru
24 Apr 2012
Like diterima
UG Bandung
Buat agan2 yg demen game online, join game ini dong, genre nya mmorpg. utk info & dowload bisa dibuka di
klo pilih server mending pilih EPITH soalnya udh ada byk player indo nya. nih ada sedikit cerita ttg fiesta online, tp maaf msh bhs inggris.

" The universe was born in a sea of
darkness and chaos. This primal force
called itself Legel, and embodied both
creation and destruction. Legel's ever
churning forces gave birth to a myriad
of worlds and creatures both great and
small. Many creations were quickly
snuffed out by the very force that made
them, but there were areas of temporary
calm. It was in one such peaceful
location that the Goddess Teva and the
world of Isya were born.
Like many before her, Teva was a being
of tremendous power. She reveled in the
power given to her by Legel, however
temporary it might be. She was fully
prepared to accept the inevitability of her
own destruction at the hands of the very
thing that created her.
But before this could happen, Teva looked
down upon the world that had been born
at the same time as she and saw a variety
of new life on its surface. She saw many
brutal and vile creatures upon this world,
but also something else.
She saw children playing and animals
nurturing and protecting their young.
There were two species in particular that
caught her eye. These species called
themselves Humans, and Elves. What
made them so remarkable was the fact
that they continued to struggle even
against all odds, even when most animals
would have surrendered. They were frail
compared to many other species on the
new planet and should not have survived.
But soon Teva began to see some of their
virtues. She saw their kindness, their self
sacrifice, but most of all something else
she couldn't understand. Something kept
them holding on even when ircumstances
were dire. Something made them fight on,
even though there was no reason to
believe in the future. These creatures
called it 'hope'."

Cya in game... <3
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