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Lagi suka dengerin Rock Jepang ya Suhu?:)

Sepertinya suhu yang satu ini metalhead nih.
Share juga musik cadas yang enak didenger dong suhu,baik luar maupun dalam negri.
Metalhead? Ah, ga juga kali Suhu... Cuma emang suka musik metal aja.
Toh, kalo lagi pengen ane terkadang dengerin dangdut juga kok. Hahaha...:D

Wah, share yg mana Suhu? kalo ane share mungkin Suhu udah tau semua yg ane sebutin. Hehehe...
Tapi tak apalah, tak ada salahnya berbagi, hehe:
Berikut ini musik metal yg paling sering nangkring di playlist ane:
1. Five Finger Death Punch (Band Favorit ane nih ;)) --- The Bleeding, White Knuckles, The Way of The Fist, Wrong Side of Heaven, dll. (Soalnya banyak banget lagunya 5FDP yg ane suka, Hehe)...
2. Metallica --- Unforgiven I, II, dan III, Nothing Else Matters, Fade To Black.
3. Avenged Sevenfold --- Unholy Confession, Almost Easy, Lost, This Means War.
4. As I Lay Dying --- Nothing Left, This Is Who We Are, The Sound of Truth, Parallels, I Never Wanted, Anodyne Sea.
5. Lamb of God --- Hourglass, Blood of The Scribe, Now You Got Something To Die For, Redneck.
6. Dream Theater --- Forsaken, The Spirit Carries On.
7. Whitechapel --- The Somatic Defilement, The Darkest Day of Man, Make It Bleed.
8. Amon Amarth --- Twilight of the Thunder God, Deceiver of The Gods, Asator, Cry of The Black Birds.
9. Trivium --- Down From The Sky, In Waves.
10. Bloodbath --- Bathe In Blood, Eaten. (Ane suka bgt sama growl-nya Mikael Akerfeldt, dia setelah itu balik lagi Opeth).
11. Opeth --- The Moor, Burden.
12. Bring Me The Horizon --- Shadow Moses, Pray for Plagues.
13. Job For A Cowboy --- Sun Of Nihility, Embedded.
14. Dragon Force --- Through The Fire and Flames, Revolution Deathsquad.
15. All That Remains --- Two Weeks, This Calling, Six.
16. Asking Alexandria --- Final Episode (Let's Change The Channel), Alerion, A Prophecy.
17. Rose Funeral --- Under A Godless Sky, The Well.
18. Pantera --- The Underground In America, I'm Broken.
19. Hatebreed --- This Is Now, Beholder of Justice.
20. Paradise Lost --- Forever Failure, Living With Scars.
21. Bullet For My Valentine --- 4 Words (To Choke Upon), Tears Don't Fall, Waking The Demon.
22. Be'lakor --- Neither Shape Nor Shadow, A Natural Apostasy, From Scythe To Sceptre.
23. As Blood Runs Black - In Dying Days
24. After The Burial --- A Wolf Amongst Ravens.
25. Veil of Maya --- Punisher, Phoenix.
26. The Devil Wears Prada --- Born To Lose.
27. Nile --- Eat of The Dead.
28. The Black Dahlia Murder --- I Will Return.
29. Disturbed --- The Game, Droppin' Plates.
30. Killswitch Engage --- This Fire Burns.

Kalo yg lokal ane jarang denger suhu, band yg pernah ane denger musiknya paling cuma Tengkorak, Nectura, Arkan, sama Siksa Kubur. Hehehe...
Terakhir diubah:
Lagi suka dengerin Rock Jepang ya Suhu?:)

Metalhead? Ah, ga juga kali Suhu... Cuma emang suka musik metal aja.
Toh, kalo lagi pengen ane terkadang dengerin dangdut juga kok. Hahaha...:D

Wah, share yg mana Suhu? kalo ane share mungkin Suhu udah tau semua yg ane sebutin. Hehehe...
Tapi tak apalah, tak ada salahnya berbagi, hehe:
Berikut ini musik metal yg paling sering nangkring di playlist ane:
1. Five Finger Death Punch (Band Favorit ane nih ;)) --- The Bleeding, White Knuckles, The Way of The Fist, Wrong Side of Heaven, dll. (Soalnya banyak banget lagunya 5FDP yg ane suka, Hehe)...
2. Metallica --- Unforgiven I, II, dan III, Nothing Else Matters, Fade To Black.
3. Avenged Sevenfold --- Unholy Confession, Almost Easy, Lost, This Means War.
4. As I Lay Dying --- Nothing Left, This Is Who We Are, The Sound of Truth, Parallels, I Never Wanted, Anodyne Sea.
5. Lamb of God --- Hourglass, Blood of The Scribe, Now You Got Something To Die For, Redneck.
6. Dream Theater --- Forsaken, The Spirit Carries On.
7. Whitechapel --- The Somatic Defilement, The Darkest Day of Man, Make It Bleed.
8. Amon Amarth --- Twilight of the Thunder God, Deceiver of The Gods, Asator, Cry of The Black Birds.
9. Trivium --- Down From The Sky, In Waves.
10. Bloodbath --- Bathe In Blood, Eaten. (Ane suka bgt sama growl-nya Mikael Akerfeldt, dia setelah itu balik lagi Opeth).
11. Opeth --- The Moor, Burden.
12. Bring Me The Horizon --- Shadow Moses, Pray for Plagues.
13. Job For A Cowboy --- Sun Of Nihility, Embedded.
14. Dragon Force --- Through The Fire and Flames, Revolution Deathsquad.
15. All That Remains --- Two Weeks, This Calling, Six.
16. Asking Alexandria --- Final Episode (Let's Change The Channel), Alerion, A Prophecy.
17. Rose Funeral --- Under A Godless Sky, The Well.
18. Pantera --- The Underground In America, I'm Broken.
19. Hatebreed --- This Is Now, Beholder of Justice.
20. Paradise Lost --- Forever Failure, Living With Scars.
21. Bullet For My Valentine --- 4 Words (To Choke Upon), Tears Don't Fall, Waking The Demon.
22. Be'lakor --- Neither Shape Nor Shadow, A Natural Apostasy, From Scythe To Sceptre.
23. As Blood Runs Black - In Dying Days
24. After The Burial --- A Wolf Amongst Ravens.
25. Veil of Maya --- Punisher, Phoenix.
26. The Devil Wears Prada --- Born To Lose.
27. Nile --- Eat of The Dead.
28. The Black Dahlia Murder --- I Will Return.
29. Disturbed --- The Game, Droppin' Plates.
30. Killswitch Engage --- This Fire Burns.

Kalo yg lokal ane jarang denger suhu, band yg pernah ane denger musiknya paling cuma Tengkorak, Nectura, Arkan, sama Siksa Kubur. Hehehe...

Iya neh,lagi seneng yang japanese japanese,bokepnya juga japanese :D
And by the way,mantab banget neh refrensinya. Ntar kalau gak lupa nubie cari lagu refrensi dari suhu. :ampun:
Hehe... Mudah2an List Metalik di atas bakal greget di telinga Suhu...
Soalnya lagu2 di atas itu yg udah bikin ane jatuh hati sama yg namanya musik metal. :o

#Salam 2 jari dah... \m/ :adek:
Hehe... Mudah2an List Metalik di atas bakal greget di telinga Suhu...
Soalnya lagu2 di atas itu yg udah bikin ane jatuh hati sama yg namanya musik metal. :o

#Salam 2 jari dah... \m/ :adek:

\m keren keren tuh kayaknya,lagu refrensi dari suhu rezzo.
[size=+2]HIM - Funeral Of Heart, HIM - Play Dead[/size]

.:: Love Metal ::.
Wah sepinya....
Sambil nunggu suhu suhu musik datang,nubie dengerin lagunya korn aja deh.
Korn - Deep inside.
Setdah,tu lagu lagi in dipikiran guwe.
Adakah yang suka reggae fushion seperti ane disindang :hore:

Natiruts - Sou Rei. Ane persembahkan untuk suhu semua, salam kenal :beer:
Selamat jam ini.
Lhoooohhh..... Sepi? :huh:
Reggae fushion? Baru tau ini. :Peace:
Apakah itu reggae fushion?
Mungkin Reggae yang dimix sama deathgrind suhu...:D

Reggae dimix dengan deathgrind? Apa temponya bisa pas?
Wakakakaka,trus musiknya kayak gimana ya? Masak habis ng-beat pindah ke very slow? :)
Kasian yang moshing.
Reggae dimix dengan deathgrind? Apa temponya bisa pas?
Wakakakaka,trus musiknya kayak gimana ya? Masak habis ng-beat pindah ke very slow? :)
Kasian yang moshing.
Wahaha... Namanya juga fusion Suhu...
Fusion kan 'penyatuan'...
Terlepas dari genre musiknya... yang penting disatuin aja gitu... Hahaha...

Now Playing: Children of Bodom - Angels Don't Kill
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