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Ciwi Ciwi Nakal Kota Kembang [Pict+Gamger] [NoQuote]

Thank you Daddy.....

Wahai muridku dewa petir @umam tolong untuk dijelaskan apa itu virus C14H
Alamak jang..... Kalo gini disuruh menjelasken virus C14H murid kesayangan di suruh jelasin,
tapi ilmu cassanovanya masih indent belum dibagiin......
Oh My Lord......

Jadi begini......
C14H virus is made or create by My Lord 31kakashi, this virus is introduce to public from the PETUALANG Story that is like pleasurable confession Lord 31kakashi (that for some reason and accident that story is closed and deleted by Lord 31kakashi). In that story, some of victim (women of course) is being anal sex by Aa' Dika (the main caracter) if i'm not wrong the 1'st anal sex is the cousin (because she's fall in love and fall by speak devil to have sex without loses virginity of vagina). So from that's time My Lord 31kakashi a.k.a Aa' Dika fall in love with the sun hole (anal) and also become famous with title LORD of ANAL'ISIS THE WEST CASSANOVA.
C14H a.k.a CIAH stands for Cum In Ass Hole or Anal Sex, that name is created by Lord 31kakashi self, he aspires to spreads the CIAH virus to everyone in the semprot universe.
so becareful and always watch you butt when Lord 31Kakashi is on your back, CIAH virus is very very absolutely more likely to be infection more than the virus that trending now......

waspadalah waspadalah waspadalah

mohon dikoreksi jikalau ada typo atau salah penjelasan, haturnuhun sadayana
Terakhir diubah:
Thank you Daddy.....

Alamak jang..... Kalo gini disuruh menjelasken virus C14H murid kesayangan di suruh jelasin,
tapi ilmu cassanovanya masih indent belum dibagiin......
Oh My Lord......

Jadi begini......
C14H virus is made or create by My Lord 31kakashi, this virus is introduce to public from the PETUALANG Story that is like pleasurable confession Lord 31kakashi (that for some reason and accident that story is closed and deleted by Lord 31kakashi). In that story, some of victim (women of course) is being anal sex by Aa' Dika (the main caracter) if i'm not wrong the 1'st anal sex is the cousin (because she's fall in love and fall by speak devil to have sex without loses virginity of vagina). So from that's time My Lord 31kakashi a.k.a Aa' Dika fall in love with the sun hole (anal) and also become famous with title LORD of ANAL'ISIS THE WEST CASSANOVA.
C14H a.k.a CIAH stands for Cum In Ass Hole or Anal Sex, that name is created by Lord 31kakashi self, he aspires to spreads the CIAH virus to everyone in the semprot universe.
so becareful and always watch you butt when Lord 31Kakashi is on your back, CIAH virus is very very absolutely more likely to be infection more than the virus that trending now......

waspadalah waspadalah waspadalah

mohon dikoreksi jikalau ada typo atau salah penjelasan, haturnuhun sadayana
Hahahha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dilatar belakangi kisah tusbol ternyata....

Padahal sebelumnya nubi ada niatan ingin kopdar bareng @31kakashi sensei,
Tau gini mah nubi Mantap untuk mengurungkan niatan ngopi barreng.

Suara pantat ku membisiki untuk tidak ambil resiko katanya 🤣🤣🤣
Harewoskeun atuh kang daerah mana ahhahaha
Haha ga sanggup saya huuuu.
Ditambah doi selebgram juga 😅

Bahaya ah, 😅

Alurnya asikk lnjut teruss
Beneran nih? Saya mah mikirnya ini malah kaya cerpen komedi justru 🤣
Tapi komedi buat penulisnya yg bisa ngebayangin Real kejadian nya.

Saya belum bisa nuangin apa yg saya rasakan ke sebuah tulisan 🥺
Tenang aja suhu, ane gak doyan lubang dibelakang telur berpedang.
Kalo si dewi boleh juga tuh kayanya kita DP in 😁
Nah to.......
Mulai berorientasi ke..............
BTW, si dewi sedaerah sama abang loh... Dari daerah situ juga haha....
Cuman kalo diliat dari story nya sekarang sekarang, dia kayanya masih stay di bandung kota terus. 😅
target on sight.... Bos Dika....
cek gps.... pasang trap....
Kira² umur berapa sekarang?
Lah ya to..... dah mulai nih.....
Harewoskeun atuh kang daerah mana ahhahaha
nada nada nya ada yg mulai mengintai....
kejar ampe dapet.....

Kang @umam bisa minta tolong dijelasin
wakakakak..........gini nih ini nih bingung sendiri gw Om....

#ok_guugel #guugel_translate #maap_tidak_bisa_difahami
Ooooo jare dukun milenial kabeh kabeh reti, malah gak faham, piye to mbah guugle ki pye. #*#..._%+#@(;{)_)}%((;{;);)
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