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"HEAR" membuat speaker menjadi powerful !!


Semprot Kecil
18 Sep 2010
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ane mw share lg progie yg bsa bkin speaker ente" semua jadi sangar
klo ada yg pnya speaker tapi suara.a abal" (kayak laptop ane) mending pake progie ini...
fiturnya lebih komplit dari SRS Audio...


Hear Features :
Hear offers a wide array of settings that are quick easy to find and will greatly improve the sound quality of your music, movies and games.
MIXER - allows you to adjust the sound volume for various applications, so you dont have a loud mail sound while you are listening to music
EQUALIZER - features the most advanced N-band equalizer with built-in peak limiters. You can choose between slider or curve mode for fine-adjustments
GENERAL - adjust the general settings (bass, dewoofer, fidelity) and enable various effects
3D - expanding audio environment out of actual speaker positions
FX - is an aggressive type of surround sound remixing
BW - meditate to your music...its a special feature that can help you relax after work, it does so by generating brain waves targeted at relaxation
MAXIMIZER - bring your concert home...produces a more live feature to the music (bass is boomier and highs are crisper)
AMBIENCE - allows you to add reverb effect to the output
SPEAKER - widen the frequency range of your speaker system (or headphones) and corrects output phase
SUB - expands bass frequencies like a real subwoofer does
LIMITER - ceiling and threshold, control aspects of level compression
SPACE - creates a virtual re-sounding frame behind the listeners position and bounces the sound around
FIDELITY - restores the subtle nuances that are often damaged in the recording process

Hear v1.0.1738 System Requirements :
Windows: 7, XP, or Vista
Minimum memory requirement 256MB

bagi yg pengen nyobain...
nih tinggal donlot, udah ada SN di dalemnya...


buat serialnya:

Terakhir diubah:
mantab ini software nya gan, ane udah nyobain sekitar 6 bulanan

puass make nya hehehe
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silahkan suhu semua di coba di jamin beledag beledug :D
buat hp androit bisa gk om..
ane klik kode'a pake hp langsung ada tulisan download'a..
apa itu aplikasinya om..
mohon pencerahannya om.
wuiiiieeeww....tengkyu mas gan sudah berkenan share

menuju TKP

sing bls sing Kuwasa :D
thanx um, kayaknya boleh dicoba neh,
soanye notebook speakernya kurang memuaskan.
ijin dunlut yah um . . .
Wah kaya nya boleh juga nih software. thanks banget suhu.
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