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Thor :the dark world (2013)


Suka Semprot
23 Nov 2013
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Directors:Alan Taylor, James Gunn
Writers:Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus
Stars:Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston

Thousands of years ago, a race of beings known as Dark Elves tried to send the universe into darkness by using a weapon known as the Aether. But warriors from Asgard stop them but their leader Malekith escapes to wait for another opportunity. The warriors find the Aether and since it can't be destroyed, they try to hide it. In the present day, Jane Foster awaits the return of Thor but it's been two years. He's trying to bring peace to the nine realms. Jane discovers an anomaly similar to the one that brought Thor to Earth. She goes to investigate and finds a wormhole and is sucked into it. Thor wishes to return to Earth but his father, Odin refuses to let him. Thor learns from Heimdall, the one who can see into all of the realms that Jane disappeared. Thor then returns to Earth just as Jane returns. But when some policemen try to arrest her, some kind of energy repulses them. Thor then brings her to Asgard to find out what happened to her. When it happens again, they discovered that[/CENTER]

yang blom nonton cek aja dimari bro Nonton Gratis
sampe skrg blm ada tuh bluray nya..gue uda cari2, mau koleksi jg blm nemu2..
torrent blueray/dvd rippinh udah release blm ya? nubi baru dapet riddick 2013 aja ni sihu
ga seru gan kalo kata ane mah, lebih seruan nonton yang pertama....

hehehe pendapat pribadi ini sih.....
udah nonton gan nih pilem...

keren banget alur cerita dan efeknya
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