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Recent content by dreamlines

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    Kegelisahan suami

    beli GPS yg kecil2 hu, ambil cuti dulu 3 hari di hari2 random kalau ga stalk pas pulang kerja atau pas jam istirahat amankan barbuk buat ambil hak asuh anak kalau kalau terjadi pisah
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    ASK Istri minta izin ngentot dengan teman kerja

    As long as you're aware of the many risks of your choice, hu, me personally cuckold/NTR fan but I'm not player ane SANGAT protective dengan pasangan ane perlu diinget juga ane udah melihat banyak para suhu senior dsini gugur atas keputusannya kebanyakan bininya "OVER THE LINE" cewek kalau udah...
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    ASK Istri minta izin ngentot dengan teman kerja

    dari sudut pandang ane ya hu kalau udah berani atur schedule gt sebelumnya pasti udah pernah secelup dua celup minta ijin cm buat "validation bias" kalau suhu udah oke, baru buka cerita kalau sebelum2nya udah pernah dicelup psikologi cewek mah gt gak susah2 amat kalau udah tau pola pikir mereka
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    CERBUNG - TAMAT Ada Apa Dengan Lidya? (Another CCKLD)

    lanjuuuuuuut gaaaaan
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    CERBUNG - TAMAT Ada Apa Dengan Lidya? (Another CCKLD)

    sepemikiran detilnya trlalu signifikan untuk sekedar narasi fiktif wkwkwk tp ane acungin jempol dah NAISSSSS
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    CERBUNG Not Repost, Pasutri Bahagia Sherly dan Bimo

    mantap kali suhu
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    well kl ane punya gaji 3 digit, bukan masalah besar buat operasi pembesaran tdi korea/thailand, atau ke timika sana cari minyak lintah + terapi sampai jadi just saying...
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    damn! Where did you get this wild inspiration, girl? If I know you in real life, I will simp for you regardless of who you are ARGH Your BF/Husb has to be the luckiest MF on the planet.
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    meta tak perlu husbando nomor 1 eh ada chara sumeru baru dendro version of zhongli ayo logiiin dapet IF 10x dr lantern rite
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    similar symptoms on every genshin player no? udah well build tim2 meta nya? nyok maen lg, kita saling support biar gak gatel gacha
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    Wii RPG lovers nih main genshin jg gak? butuh friendlist nih *ngarep*
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    Sis, do you play any games? What kind of game would you pay to play to pass the time?
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    you amaze me with your hyper-wild fantasies and neat premises girl, slow literacy yet fast-bombing punchlines how come you got your inspiration in the first place It's just like.. slow-riding WOT and deep-sucking balls at the end at your V, yet you have not let those things end sooner, you drive...
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    CERBUNG Dea, Your Lewdly Neighborhood [Season 2]

    masih menunggu lanjutan thread keren ini
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